Thursday, March 8, 2012

30 Day Challenge Part 4.

  18. A picture of something you wish you were better at.  Running.  I'm just not one of those people who enjoys it at all.  I wish I was though, because it's one hell of a good workout.
19. A picture of your favorite book.  Charlotte's Web!
20. A picture of something you wish you could change.  I'd be done and long over with this disgusting awful cold that I currently have.
21. A picture of your day.  Yep, this basically.
22. A picture of something that means a lot to you.  Home videos.  It's amazing to be able to relive and literally watch past memories.  Probably a lot of those moments you wouldn't even remember otherwise.
23. A picture of yourself and a family member.  My little cousin Adriana and I on Halloween 2010.  She looks thrilled!
24. A picture of something you're afraid of.  Rats.  So fucking gross.
25. A picture that can always make you smile.  Killing it in competition two years in a row!
26. A picture of someone you miss.  My love.  ;)

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