Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Favorite Things, Volume 2.

Drinking this shit when I'm working third shift makes me feel like I can take on the world.  Red bull, I don't know what I'd do without you.

Spedie salad from Little Italy's.  This picture should say it all.

While Christmas shopping with Eric, we went to Macy's to check out perfumes and colognes.  I'm really picky about perfumes, and it's kind of hard for me to find one I actually really dig.  I picked up this one courtesy of Taylor Swift, already judging that it'd be nothing special since she made it, but surprisingly I fell in love at first sniff.  Thank you loving boyfriend for buying me the gift set! 

Red, red wine.  <3

I never knew I liked rum until Eric had me drink some with him.  I drank this kind via shots on New Year's Eve (might I mention it was the best New Year's Eve ever?).

I tried so many times to like sushi, and I never really understood why people made such a huge deal about it.  Until I realized that you were supposed to eat it with wasabi and ginger.  I wouldn't think it'd change things that much..I thought wrong.

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