Sunday, February 12, 2012

Places I Want To Go

Paris is top on my list, and to be even more specific, the eiffel tower.  I'm not exactly sure why I'm so obsessed with either, but it seems like such a lovely place.  I love the idea of classy romance, crossiant eating, accents, and cute french outfits. 

Las Vegas.  That place just screams sin and fun, and really, how could you go wrong with a place like that?  I think you should experience it at least once in your lifetime.  Growing up in a place that is so bare of life, I think that going somewhere that is the complete opposite of that would be such an exhilarating experience.

New York City.  Again, a completely different world than I have ever experienced, and being from the state of New York, you have to at least go there once!  I'd love to go to Rockafeller Center during Christmas time.  Not to mention the Eiffel Tower, Times Sqaure, and all of the stores!

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